Greenways dining is Frantastic!
Greenways dining is Frantastic!

Greenways culinary secret is now out! “Marions” — our intimate and personalised village dining room provides delicious home-cooked meals by village chef, Jacque Mahl, for residents and their guests in air-conditioned comfort during summer and with a cosy log fire in winter. Home deliveries are also available for those residents preferring to stay in.
For the second year in a row, Greenways is proud to have been awarded a coveted ‘Frantastic Food’ award by Kris Bolam, Frankston City Mayor, on behalf of Frankston City Council. The awards program provides local businesses with the opportunity to showcase their commitment to providing customers with the safest (and most delicious!) possible food.
To celebrate, Greenways is organising “Friends of Greenways” lunches at the village. We’re inviting residents to host up to 3 friends for a complimentary lunch at “Marions”. Residents can enjoy a meal on us, catch up with friends and show them what village life is all about. There is also the opportunity to view our beautifully renovated units (for those friends interested).
In the words of Virginia Woolf, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
Come and enjoy a unique and tasty dining experience at Greenways!